I'm April, the founder of The Lipedema Journey.

I was diagnosed with lipedema in 2016. Since that time I have developed a passion for spreading lipedema awareness and helping women with lipedema build self-acceptance and self-worth. 

I'm here to help women with lipedema know they are not alone on this journey.


Grab my free course!
Emotional Wellness on The Lipedema Journey: Nurturing Your Mind and Body

When you unlock The Lipedema Journey Vault, you get access to my free course, Emotional Wellness on The Lipedema Journey: Nurturing Your Mind and Body. 

You'll also get access to my Lipedema Toolkit, where I've curated resources, information, and tools to help guide you on this journey.

Are you looking for support from a community that truly understands?  
Join thousands from all over the world in The Lipedema Journey Facebook Group!


Copyright The Lipedema Journey